Eleven-Day Empire

Location: Virginia

Friday, March 31, 2006

My Aura Colour

Sensitive Tans

The Sensitive Tan is the bridge between the mental colors and the emotional colors. Their auras are a combination of a light tan color with a light blue band next to it that encircles the body. Their personalities are a subtle combination of the mental Tan qualities and the emotional Blue qualities.

Sensitive Tans incorporate the characteristics of mental, analytical logic with loving and intuitive compassion. These gentle personalities are quiet, sensitive and supportive. They prefer, like Logical Tans, to maintain a rational, intellectual foundation while they analytically process data.

Sensitive Tans are more emotional and intuitive than Logical Tans, but they tend to keep their feelings to themselves. When a problem arises, Sensitive Tans will retreat inside to figure out the most practical solution.

To learn more about Sensitive Tans career choices and life purpose, please order Life Colors.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Curse of Fenric-A very nice article


A link where you can read an article on The Curse of Fenric, my all-time favourite DW story.

Faction Paradox-The Ship of a Billion Years

Order the New Faction Paradox Audio Drama on CD

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Eleven Day Empire-An Explanation

The Eleven Day Empire: Why was there a change in calender in England in 1752? The original (Julian) calender was devised by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C., based on a day of 365.25 days (hence having an extra day, February 29th, every four years) - however the astronomical year is actually closer to 365.242 days, or 11 minutes and 14 seconds of a discrepancy each year. This tiny amount added up, so that after 128 years, the calender was out by a full day. By 1582 the Julian calender was out by around 10 days. Pope Gregory III, noting that this was throwing off the dates of Easter, tried to set things right by ordering a change - ten days were skipped and the leap year was to be dropped every 400 years (he also shifted New Year's Day from March 25th to January 1st). England was by this era no longer a Catholic country, and so refused to accept the Gregorian calender. Over the next 170 years England (and later America) gradually began to use both calenders (which meant that documentation of the time can be confusing as to the dates of things, especially as this meant that January, February and most of March could be in either one of two years, depending on when you took New Year to be). In 1752 England finally dropped the Julian calender, eliminating the now 11 day discrepancy by going straight from September 2nd (Julian) to September 14th (Gregorian). There were riots in some quarters as people felt they had been robbed of 11 days of their lives; and it is in this conceptual missing eleven days that the Faction Paradox set up shop.

More Doctor Who Jokes

The 'Knock Knock' joke. The origins of this simple two-person exchange gag are not clear, though our best guess is that it was first told by an annoying schoolboy sometime back in the early 1970's. It's the kind of simple mirth-ism that would find its way into Morcambe & Wise Christmas Specials, usually when the two joksters ran out of decent material. Scary fact: you told this joke to somebody when you were younger, and you thought it was funny!

Knock Knock! Who's there? Doctor. Doctor who? Yes. Yes what? You said it. Doctor who. Eh? Never mind. I don't get it. Forget about it. Knock Knock! What? Knock Knock! Go on... Alright. Knock Knock! Um... Who's there? Eh? Doctor...? Arggh! Go away and die!! Doctor? What? No, Doctor who? What? (etc.)

The 'Chronic Hysteresis' song. This chucklesome (if irritating) little ditty must have been invented sometime after the original UK transmission of the Tom Baker season 18 story Meglos (27/09/1980 - 18/10/1980), which first mentioned the phrase 'Chronic Hysteresis' to describe a TIME LOOP, or recurring event. Naturally, the song found its way into The New Adventures, alongside pointless menky references to whichever pop group the authors were into at the time (usually 'Madchester' baggy groups). It's hard to know which is worse, really.

I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! I'm in a Chronic Hysteresis! (etc.)

The 'Chap With Wings' joke. Sometimes it's obvious when a writer has gone out of his way to set up joke in advance: surely the only reason why Denise Richards' character in the James Bond film, The World Is Not Enough is called Christmas Jones is so that 007 can crack a "Christmas only comes once a year' joke at the end of the movie! Similarly, there can be no doubt that New Adventures writer Paul Cornell, in his novel No Future, set up an attack at a rock concert featuring Paul McCartney & his 1970's rock group (who have been taken over by aliens) so that he can have the Brigadier bark his most famous order in a totally iconic and ironic way. That's post-modernism at work for you.

The Brigadier jumped to his feet. 'Chap with Wings, five rounds rapid!'


The 'Gallifreyan Graffito' Joke. In 1995, Set Piece by Kate Orman, The New Adventures brightest star (in my opinion), was published. Amidst all the Seventh Doctor/Ace/Bernice angst and high adventure, you'll find this joke, which is written as a quotation at the head of Chapter 15 (Hurt/Comfort). Aside from brilliantly introducing the theme of 'Doctor suicide' (Doctorcide?) into the proceeding chapters of Set Piece, Kate Orman also originated this joke, which will be familiar to --like me-- dependents of ciprimil and other antidepressants.


What goes bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud?


A Time Lord committing suicide.

(Graffito, Prydonian Academy)

A Quiz! A time-waster!

You are the seventh Doctor! Warm and friendly to

those around you, your manner can take a dark

turn at times. Those who cross your path have

significant reason to fear, as your morality

is a bit more liquid then might make some

comfortable. However, you are not human, and

behind those clever eyes a new scheme is

brewing. The responsibility of protecting the

universe lies on your shoulders. How can you

help it if no one understands?

Which Doctor (from Doctor Who) Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Using blogs for Personal Attacks

I'm not going to name any names, but just from browsing I have seen some of the most disgusting blogs. These blogs seem to have no purpose other than attacking a person or a group of people. They don't even try to be witty-scatalogical, crude and juvenile is the order of the day. What the motive is, I can't begin to guess, and frankly I don't want to know. It's just bizarre to me.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I am Romana 2


  • My top result for the SelectSmart.com selector, The Companion Quiz, is Romana 2

  • Eleven-Day Empire

    A Poem from Doctor Who episode Full Circle

    This poem is from the Doctor Who story Full Circle by Andrew Smith

    When Mistfall comes
    The sun is swallowed whole
    By sky-borne darkness
    The world turns to cold

    When Mistfall comes
    The globe transforms its face
    Grey fog clouds probes
    They reach to every place

    When Mistfall comes
    The planet that has slept
    Awakes, unleashing terror
    Bringing death if you forget

    First Decider Yanek Pitrus
    Tenth generation starliner

    'Doctor Who' series copyright (C) British Broadcasting Corperation 1986

    The King In Yellow-Robert W. Chambers

    Along the shore the cloud waves break,
    The twin suns sink beneath the lake,
    The shadows lengthen
    In Carcosa.
    Strange is the night where black stars rise,
    And strange moons circle through the skies
    But stranger still is
    Lost Carcosa.
    Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
    Where flap the tatters of the King,
    Must die unheard in
    Dim Carcosa.
    Song of my soul, my voice is dead;
    Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
    Shall dry and die in
    Lost Carcosa.


    Welcome to my new blog :)