The 'Gallifreyan Graffito' Joke. In 1995, Set Piece by Kate Orman, The New Adventures brightest star (in my opinion), was published. Amidst all the Seventh Doctor/Ace/Bernice angst and high adventure, you'll find this joke, which is written as a quotation at the head of Chapter 15 (Hurt/Comfort). Aside from brilliantly introducing the theme of 'Doctor suicide' (Doctorcide?) into the proceeding chapters of Set Piece, Kate Orman also originated this joke, which will be familiar to --like me-- dependents of ciprimil and other antidepressants.
What goes bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud, bang, thud?
A Time Lord committing suicide.
(Graffito, Prydonian Academy)
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